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Hear It From Me


     This is about taking a leap of faith into the unknown. You see, I fell in love, and when you are in love, you do the craziest things. For me, I fell in love with a boy from Elkton, Kentucky. Then I fell in love with his family, and then I fell in love with this small town and all the people who live there, and finally, this house. I know that many people would not necessarily describe fixing up an old house a a leap of faith. But for me, this is about taking a dream long held, and trying to make it a reality. What bigger leap of faith can there be?

      I have never considered myself a risk-taker, but then, looking back on my life, I have never played it safe either. I married a fighter pilot, and I am in the smack-dab middle of raising four boys.I have always been fiercely independent, which is a must when your spouse is in the military.  We have a homestead in Florida, but that does not mean we stayed in one place. We moved a total of nine times in nine years. And as exciting as all that is, somewhere in the mix, I lost myself. I have been a wife, mother, and teacher for the last 24 years of my life. And while I love the first two unconditionally, I have a love/hate relationship with the last one. I have lost my drive, and my yearning to be creative.

      However, when I looked into the windows of this old house, I saw a reflection of myself. Empty, but with great bones, and calling out for the opportunity to be filled with love and laughter. To welcome family in, and to create  even more beautiful memories. Like me, this house is part diamond, part lump of coal that has just been trying to shine  under pressure. Wanting to be polished and placed in a beautiful setting. I welcome you to join me in creating a beautiful setting of my own design.  Through this process, I will find myself. And this house will find a home. 


Many Blessings,

Melodee Sweeney

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