Work Begins This Week!
There has been some activity around the house this week. Curt Boley, a high school friend of Anthony's, has been doing the yard work around the house. It is looking so much better already!
The "before" picture below was taken before Christmas. Trees needed to be trimmed and shrubs needed to be pulled. A green thumb is something I do not posses, but thanks to Curt and his wonderful crew, the area has been cleaned up nicely!

Though now it looks pretty bare! We are thinking about adding small white flowering shrubs along the sidewalk and aound the portico. We are trying to figure out exactly what kind of trees to plant as well. We will also be repainting the brick and the columns, as well as adding working shutters to the windows.
That is snow in the background! Luckily we have working gas heat thanks to Kerry Jessie and his crew for installing our new heating and air unit! Love all the small town connections. Good work done by great people!

And while the outside is being cleaned up and freshly painted, on the inside we will be working on flooring, walls, and lighting. My vision is to paint the stairs with black chalk paint since the wood does not match. The original stairs were built in 1860s, with a new addition added in the past 50 years.

There are two different kinds of wallpaper going up the stairs. One as lovely as the next (that is sarcasm for those of you who are not familiar with my sense of humor). I am still trying to decide what to do there. I am always open to suggestions.