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Airing Out Dirty Laundry

My mother has many talents. She is a consummate seamstress and a wonderful cook. But for me, one of the most remarkable things my mother is good at is laundry. I know it might sound weird, but I have always envied how my mom can iron anything. And don't even get me started on how she can master folding a fitted sheet so it ends up in a perfectly neat square.

I do not like to do laundry. I don't mind dusting, washing dishes, making beds, and vacuuming. I don't mind any of it. I mean I "do" laundry, more accurately, I fight with the laundry. Laundry wins every time.

So what's my point? You might be asking yourself about now. Well, my house in Elkton has a good-sized

laundry room. When we first bought this house, the laundry room was a good representation of my feeling towards doing laundry, sad, and depressed. However, I knew if anyone could create a space where even I didn't mind doing laundry, it would be Anthony.

Let me take a moment and talk about my husband. First off, he is one of the smartest people I know. If he doesn't know how to do something, he figures it out. Second, I know his goal at the end of the day is to make me as happy as he can. I am not a perfect person, and sometimes I know I ask a lot from him and put forth these Herculean tasks that would stop anyone with less drive. But he presses ever onward and upward. He and my sister-in-law Amanda have completed most of the work on their own. Due to me having a job that lacks in flexibility, it has fallen on my family to do much of the work in this house.

As you can tell by the picture above, the laundry room was a disaster. Old cabinets and laminate flooring did not leave much to be desired for this space.

Here is Anthony pulling up the old flooring and discussing plans for the room.

My heroes, Anthony and Amanda removing the cabinets, which we will see again later. We are all about repurposing things.



302 S Main St
Elkton, Todd County 42220

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